Juvenor Healthcare

Risk Management Policy

In the dynamically changing business environment, company is exposed to a plethora of risks, so Board of Directors of Juvenor Healthcare Private Limited have adopted a comprehensive policy with regard to Risk Management. A robust governance structure has been developed, the Board of Directors has constituted a Committee of the Board called the Risk Management Committee.


Company recognizes that risk is an integral and unavoidable component of business and is committed to managing the risk in a proactive and effective manner.

The Company believes that risk cannot be eliminated. However, it can be:

  • Transferred to another party, who is willing to take risk,
  • Reduced, by having good internal controls;
  • Avoided, by not entering into risky business;
  • Retained, to either avoid the cost of reducing risk or in anticipation of higher profits by taking on more risk, and;
  • Shared, by following a middle path between retaining and transferring


Company seeks to adopt systematic approach to mitigate risks associated with accomplishment of its objectives, operations, revenues and regulations. The aim of risk management is to maximize opportunities in all activities and to minimize adversity. The policy applies to all activities and processes associated with the normal operations of the Company.

Company believes that the activities at all levels of the organization, are considered in the Risk Management Framework. All these components are interrelated and drive the Enterprise Risk Management with focus on three key elements, viz. Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Risk Monitoring.